A look back at the summer of 2023
Wat vliegt de tijd. Op 6 december werd het nieuwe dak over de oude geplaatst en voor dat je het weet is het alweer augustus. Onze gite was de zomer…
A look back at the summer of 2023
Wat vliegt de tijd. Op 6 december werd het nieuwe dak over de oude geplaatst en voor dat je het weet is het alweer augustus. Onze gite was de zomer…
A look back at the summer of 2023
De dagen worden korter, de temperaturen dalen, en de houtkachels zijn weer in gebruik. Onze zomer was werkelijk prachtig, met talrijke zonnige dagen en hoge temperaturen. We verwelkomden gasten uit…
A look back at the summer of 2023
The days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping, and wood stoves are back in use. Our summer was truly wonderful, with numerous sunny days and high temperatures. We welcomed guests…
Spring has begun! Stories about February – April 2023
Before we open the gates to our gite, don't see us in the spring sunshine, leaning on a hoe enjoying the bird concert. No, not really. In this blog you…
Highlights of our first summer in the Morvan
As the leaves begin to fall and the days grow shorter, I think back to the first summer we experienced in the Morvan. And this one was with one word:…
The big move to France
In May 2022, we officially moved, finally! So we can really start enjoying our new place in the summer months, and even welcome the first guests already. We did the…
Enjoying the job
Sunday, Feb. 13, we couldn't believe our luck: we got to go back to our brand new dream house in Avrée for another week. Now with really a lot of…
Our house search in France: 1.5 years long
On December 7, 2021, we, Henri and Joop, traveled to green vistas in Avrée, located in the French Morvan (Click if you're curious about where that actually is). It was…